This is something I am sharing with all those who I have gotten to know online. The best thing you can ever, ever receive in life, is Jesus.
Scott Wesley Brown: I Wish You Jesus
This is something I am sharing with all those who I have gotten to know online. The best thing you can ever, ever receive in life, is Jesus.
Scott Wesley Brown: I Wish You Jesus
Well well well well well, my dear bloggers!!! I have some explaining to do. First of all, I feel dreadful about not following through on my commitment to write about commitment. As my boyfriend would say "What's up with that?"
And so, the time has come for me to really really be straight with you. Writing this blog has been harder for me since my mother died. The idea for the blog "In the Position of Friend" came out of a really happy night of sharing on my Facebook page. Prior to that evening, the name of this blog was "My Sad Situation", which made me really feel ashamed. Life is hard enough without going around showcasing my misery!
And so, "In the Position of Friend" and the second "In the Position of Friend" were, I felt, good blogspots. I was able to stick with the subject of friendship and provide insights regarding different scenarios that can occur with friends. Then, shortly after my mother died, I began, "Always Your Friend". To be honest, without my mother, I have no one in my personal life who takes an interest in it. My mother was an avid reader. In fact, her appetite for literature was even something the Rabbi spoke of at her funeral. So I would write my blogs "In the Position of Friend" early in the morning. Then, when it was time to contact my parents (something I did every morning on a daily basis), I texted her the link to my published piece, and she always had a marvelous grasp of what I was expressing.
Now that I'm left doing "Always Your Friend" all by myself, I get terribly terribly tired each time I complete one. I'm so sorry to have to tell you all this. But you deserve the truth. Well, I'm running out of battery in my phone. So with no further adieu, I'll send this out to u. We'll chew on this and make a decision later, whatever it may be. Luv y'all!
Paul Simon: Loves Me Like A Rock
I want to share with you an insight I had at the age of 17, which caused a profound change in my attitude toward self-improvement. This is something I jotted down in my school notebook: "It's not enough just to know you can do it, you've got to do it." After this realization, I began to work much, much harder at my drawing and painting. I had planned to major in art in college, and I ended up going to a well reputed art school, where I did very very well.
And so, that small thought that I had; to get my dream out of my heart and onto what is now called "hard copy" propelled a good part of my education and my life. But you see, I couldn't allow it to own me. A person can be full of freshness and originality. But if she takes it up the ladder of success too fast, she will wake up one day and find that her life is not at all like what she was promised or what she expected.
Between proving you can do it and accepting candy from strangers, there is a vital median. Never cross a boundary that will make it impossible for you to go back into the arms of God. God will always be there, no doubt about that. But the tangles we create in our lives can make it really hard to go back to the place where we wanted to be when we started.
I believe in faithfulness
I believe in giving of myself for someone else
I believe in peace and love
I believe in honesty and trust but it's not enough
For all that I believe may never change the way it is
Unless I believe Jesus lives
Where there is faith
There is a voice calling, keep walking
You're not alone in this world
Where there is faith
There is a peace like a child sleeping
Hope everlasting in He who is able to
Bear every Burden, to heal every hurt in my heart
It is a wonderful, powerful place
Where there is faith
There's a man across the sea
Never heard the sound of freedom ring
Only in his dreams There's a lady dressed in black
In a motorcade of cadillacs
Daddy's not coming back
Our hearts begin to fall
And our stability grows weak
But Jesus meets our needs if we only believe
Where there is faith
There is a voice calling, keep walking
You're not alone in this world
Where there is faith
There is a peace like a child sleeping
Hope everlasting in He who is able to
Bear every Burden, to heal every hurt in my heart
It is a wonderful, powerful place
Where there is faith
Commitment, for me, is a totally overwhelming subject. Commitment means everything to me. Two ingredients must exist for a commitment to be successful: the 1st is unconditional love, and the 2nd is follow-through. Without both of these, commitment cannot be.
Unconditional love takes courage and a willingness to sacrifice. When you choose to love someone unconditionally, you take some chances. You are letting it be consciously known that you believe in someone, and when you do this, you can't be sure that you will get a positive response right away, or when, or even ever. To be committed to someone, or any number of things (it doesn't have to be a person) is a difficult decision to make. I would say it is a decision made between you and God.
The second essential ingredient in commitment is follow-through. If you have decided that you love unconditionally the object of your commitment, the next challenge, or set of challenges comes along when complications arise, and you are left wondering: "Does this even make any sense?", "Am I getting (or ever going to get) any payback?" But see, there is the whole meaning of unconditional love. Unconditional love means you abandon the anticipation that you are going to receive something. You are only going to think of what is best for the recipient of your love.
Commitment, love, follow through... guess who the first person to commit to should be? The one you see in the mirror every day! Commitment is an enormous, enormous subject. Please be patient with me as I try to knock out this series. I wanna do it justice. I want to be fair in putting out quality, accurate information.
"Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write on the tablet of your heart." --Proverbs chapter 3, verse 3
Mariah Carey: Anytime You Need A Friend
I reviewed a lot of the content I've been sharing here on Always Your Friend recently, and my reaction was, I'd better get cracking and present some solid material!
So I said I would be spending some time on the topic of commitment. Here is the outline I promised on the subject:
A. Why commitment?
1. Commitment is the key to making a friendship come alive.
2. Commitment assists in procuring longevity of friendship
3. As commitment is realized to be part of a friendship, a safe place for love is created
B. How is commitment accomplished?
1. Being willing to accept our friends, even if it means going outside of our own comfort level
2. Being motivated: seeing the potential of commitment for creating a mutually healthier friendship
C. The result of commitment
1. Recognition that our sacrifices indicate that we sincerely value another
2. As we demonstrate commitment over time, friendship becomes easier and more natural
Hello Bloggers and Blog Readers! I have something that I wish to write about which is going to be quite an ambitious undertaking for me. I want to do a series on the subject of "Commitment". Commitment, if you ask me, is the single most important component in a successful and rewarding friendship or relationship. You could almost say that commitment can pinch hit for 'LOVE' as the feature that "covers a multitude of sins". But I don't want to start into my topic without first having a clear idea of all that I'm going to discuss. Commitment is a vast topic. Soon I hope to be providing you with an outline of the aspects of commitment that I will be going into. For now, I have here some dictionary definitions of the word "Commitment":
com·mit·ment /kəˈmitmənt/
noun: commitment;
plural noun: commitments
a) the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc. "the company's commitment to quality"
synonyms: dedication, devotion, allegiance, loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity "her commitment to her students"
b) a pledge or undertaking. "I cannot make such a commitment at the moment"
synonyms: vow, promise, pledge, oath; More
c) an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action. "business commitments"
synonyms: responsibility, obligation, duty, tie, liability;
Whitney Houston and Cece Winans: Count On Me
I know the just shall live
I know the just shall live
I know the just shall live
By faith
'Cause You won't let Your Holy One
No, You won't let Your Holy One
You won't let Your Holy One
See corruption in the grave
Because He put His trust in You
Because He put His trust in You
Because He put His trust in You
Many shall be saved
And I know that You will raise the up
That You will raise them up
I know that You will raise them up
On the last day
For the Lord looks down on the sons of men
And he hears the cries of the innocent
And the guilty will not stand
And the day of reckoning soon will come
And the whole world will see justice done
By the Lord's almighty hand
So I m telling you the just shall live
I know the just shall live
I know the just shall live
By faith
And You will raise them up
I know that You will raise them up
That You will raise them up
On the last day
And the prayers stand where the fighters fell
And time testifies with the tale to tell
That the meek shall inherit the earth
And the Church advances on the gates of hell
And she clings to a light that will not be quelled
By the kingdoms of this world
So I'm telling you the just shall live
I know the just shall live
I know the just shall live
By faith
And You will raise them up
And You will raise them up
You will raise them up
On the last day
Pressing over me like a big blue sky
I know someone has me on their heart tonight
That's why I know it's gonna be alright
'Cause somebody's praying me through
Somebody's praying me through
It may be my Mother, it might be my Dad
Or an old friend I've forgot I had
But whoever it is I'm so glad that
Somebody's praying me through
Somebody's praying me through
Through the tears, through the rain
Through the sorrow, through the pain
It keeps bringing me through
Over and over again
So when you're drowning in a sea of hurt
And it feels like life couldn't get any worse
There's a blessing waiting to push back the curse
'Cause somebody's praying you through Somebody's praying you through
Someone got down on their knees and prayed for me
Somebody's, somebody's praying you through
I have observed something in human beings that saddens me. Most everyone, from the richest to the poorest, regularly grades themselves and the state their lives are in. What I am describing is that about every 10 minutes, or at different points in conversations, people feel that what happened at that particular moment means they're a failure or a success. The problem with this type of mind process is that it bestows way too much power to the concept of PERMANENCE.
The way I view life, there is no such thing as permanence. Our brains go to so many different places within the course of a day. We respond to what we take in through our senses. We have memories that float around in our minds, we react to the people we meet. we react to what we plan to do. And so, the mind experiences different things all day long! Most of what we is transient. Why give ourselves a grade for something that will soon change? We are unfair to ourselves when we do this.
Amy Grant: Faith Walkin' People
It's All About You, sung by Tammy Trent
You say that forever without me
Is what led you to lay down your life.
You've shown me your love knows no boundaries,
And my life's worth the highest price.
So, I pray this world sees you
When they look at me.
Cause' it's all about you;
It's not about me.
It's all about living life
So you're all that they see.
Without you, oh, where would I be
I give you all the glory, Lord.
Believe me, it's all about you.
You say that you love me like family;
Much more than words can describe.
You've showered your grace all around me,
So, how could I hold onto my life?
Oh, I pray you understand
This is straight from my heart.
Loving you with all my soul
From now til' my final day.
I've found my life in giving it away.
Oh, I pray you understand
This is straight from the heart.
words by John R. Mandeville
Hi everybody! I need to share a rather complicated thought with you today. But I have pledged my friendship to all of you, and therefore I cannot keep this observation locked away from your understanding.
These days just about everyone is pushing the practice of 'Positive Thinking'. From my point of view, positive thinking can't make a lasting improvement to anyone's quality of life. Why? I will tell you. It is impossible to sustain the purity of mind to fully dwell on the positive aspects of life. We are fallen mortals. We can pull all kinds of tricks through sustaining a positive concept for a time, but at the end of it all, we come back to the knowledge that we are capable of envy, greed, ill will, cynicism and many many things that take place in our brains that are not positive at all. Putting your dibs on something under the assumption that your positive thinking will make it all happen will end up making you feel like even more of a miserable failure!
Let me tell you what I have found to work. You might say that I have found that the exact opposite of 'Positive Thinking' works. What I do is, I think of the worst possible case scenario. I visualize in my mind the horrible fear of a highly unpleasant happenstance, and then, I respond with "I'll handle it". Not something that a wimp can actually consider doing, I know. But let me tell you the result I get.
Everyone familiar with the story of Abraham and Isaac? Briefly, Abram was asked by God to slay his son Isaac and offer him to God for a "burnt offering", a sacrifice to God. So, Abram took Isaac, his son, and the things he would need in order to prepare the offering, and proceeded to carry out what God had commanded. When he had his knife up in the air, about to slay his son, an angel stopped him. The angel said, "there's a ram in the bushes. Use that instead."
This is what happens when you decide that you will handle whatever happens. When you believe in your ability, with the help of God, to handle whatever comes your way, when you say "YES" to God, it is then that you get His attention. Those who say "Yes" are the ones in whom God sees real faith. And those in whom God sees genuine faith, are those on whom He pours down blessings.
Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir singing, I'll Say Yes"
Hi everyone! I was moved tonight to tell everybody I've met through the Internet how much you all mean to me. May we have a long, even maybe a lifelong friendship!!!
I am going to agree with some ideas that the "New Age" movement presents. New Age is a kind of spiritual/philosophical establishment with some interesting and helpful ideas. One that I want to go into is that we are in a loving Universe, and that only good is coming to us. Now, if you have had a very difficult life, and you think what I am saying is nonsense, please don't give up on me yet. Whether life seems horrible to you now, or whether you are dancing on air, stay with me.
Many Christians, and in fact the Christian-Judaic ethic, base their conduct and their thinking on a verse in the Bible that reads "love not the world" (1 John chapter 2 and verse 15). So they write off their life and most any positive thought that is introduced to them. Yet an argument is discussed by many theologians that even though we are to avoid the temptations that are in the world, God also has told us that "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life." (John chapter 3 and verse16) So from this verse we know that the One who created the Universe, loved, and still loves what he has made, and He loves us.
So both the idea that the New Agers believe and the idea that the Bible states are the thought that we are in a Universe created in and through love. Moreover, based on this there are some other points we can see where New Agers and Christians agree. We can believe that the Universe is our FRIEND, and not our enemy, we are not in a situation where we have to fight God. Want something? God is saying "Not a problem! If you put your boxing gloves away, it might be easier for Me to reach you. I am your Friend. Take those boxing mitts off, and my goodness will flow to you much more easily". That's not in the Bible. That is my description of how God feels about us.
And so Christianity and New Age agree.
1) We are in a loving universe.
2) Good things are coming our way
3) We can enhance our quality of life if we trust and believe
Now, our method of getting our level of faith improved is different. What I do is; I am open with God about the difficulties I have, both in my attitude and in my life. It is not easy for me to stop assuming that I am going to have to struggle for the things I need and want. So I ask God to help me. If I didn't have Jesus to support me in my perceptions, I would just be throwing punches in the air. But we all reach the same destination in the end. Those who are without Jesus and yet hold to knowing that good things are coming, will eventually find that "Pearl beyond price" (Matthew chapter 13 verses 45 and 46), and that pearl is JESUS.
Kathy Troccoli singing 'Corner of Eden'
Good morning everyone!!! I read the Pope's homily (or sermon) which he delivered last Saturday evening. For those who aren't familiar with the Pope's views and decisions, he had a very strong response to the idea of sending troops to Syria, and he asked that everyone, all over the world pray for Peace. This was the content of his homily (or sermon) on the subject in its entirety. I encourage you to read. all the way through it. It is highly inspiring!!
Prayer Vigil for Peace - Words of Pope Francis
“And God saw that it was good” (Gen 1:12, 18, 21, 25). The biblical account of the beginning of the history of the world and of humanity speaks to us of a God who looks at creation, in a sense contemplating it, and declares: “It is good”. This allows us to enter into God’s heart and, precisely from within him, to receive his message. We can ask ourselves: what does this message mean? What does it say to me, to you, to all of us?
It says to us simply that this, our world, in the heart and mind of God, is the “house of harmony and peace”, and that it is the space in which everyone is able to find their proper place and feel “at home”, because it is “good”. All of creation forms a harmonious and good unity, but above all humanity, made in the image and likeness of God, is one family, in which relationships are marked by a true fraternity not only in words: the other person is a brother or sister to love, and our relationship with God, who is love, fidelity and goodness, mirrors every human relationship and brings harmony to the whole of creation. God’s world is a world where everyone responsible for the other, for the good of the other. This evening, in reflection, fasting and prayer, each of us deep down should ask ourselves: Is this really the world that I desire? Is this really the world that we all carry in our hearts? Is the world that we want really a world of harmony and peace, in ourselves, in our relations with others, in families, in cities, in and between nations? And does not true freedom mean choosing ways in this world that lead to the good of all and are guided by love?
But then we wonder: Is this the world in which we are living? Creation retains its beauty which fills us with awe and it remains a good work. But there is also “violence, division, disagreement, war”. This occurs when man, the summit of creation, stops contemplating beauty and goodness, and withdraws into his own selfishness. When man thinks only of himself, of his own interests and places himself in the centre, when he permits himself to be captivated by the idols of dominion and power, when he puts himself in God’s place then all relationships are broken and everything is ruined; then the door opens to violence, indifference, and conflict. This is precisely what the passage in the Book of Genesis seeks to teach us in the story of the Fall: man enters into conflict with himself, he realizes that he is naked and he hides himself because he is afraid (cf. Gen 3: 10), he is afraid of God’s glance; he accuses the woman, she who is flesh of his flesh (cf. v. 12); he breaks harmony with creation, he begins to raise his hand against his brother to kill him. Can we say that from harmony he passes to “disharmony”? No, there is no such thing as “disharmony”; there is either harmony or we fall into chaos, where there is violence, argument, conflict, fear ....
It is exactly in this chaos that God asks man’s conscience: “Where is Abel your brother?” and Cain responds: “I do not know; am I my brother’s keeper?” (Gen 4:9). We too are asked this question, it would be good for us to ask ourselves as well: Am I really my brother’s keeper? Yes, you are your brother’s keeper! To be human means to care for one another! But when harmony is broken, a metamorphosis occurs: the brother who is to be cared for and loved becomes an adversary to fight, to kill. What violence occurs at that moment, how many conflicts, how many wars have marked our history! We need only look at the suffering of so many brothers and sisters. This is not a question of coincidence, but the truth: we bring about the rebirth of Cain in every act of violence and in every war. All of us! And even today we continue this history of conflict between brothers, even today we raise our hands against our brother. Even today, we let ourselves be guided by idols, by selfishness, by our own interests, and this attitude persists. We have perfected our weapons, our conscience has fallen asleep, and we have sharpened our ideas to justify ourselves. As if it were normal, we continue to sow destruction, pain, death! Violence and war lead only to death, they speak of death! Violence and war are the language of death!
At this point I ask myself: Is it possible to change direction? Can we get out of this spiral of sorrow and death? Can we learn once again to walk and live in the ways of peace? Invoking the help of God, under the maternal gaze of the Salus Populi Romani, Queen of Peace, I say: Yes, it is possible for everyone! From every corner of the world tonight, I would like to hear us cry out: Yes, it is possible for everyone! Or even better, I would like for each one of us, from the least to the greatest, including those called to govern nations, to respond: Yes, we want it! My Christian faith urges me to look to the Cross. How I wish that all men and women of good will would look to the Cross if only for a moment! There, we can see God’s reply: violence is not answered with violence, death is not answered with the language of death. In the silence of the Cross, the uproar of weapons ceases and the language of reconciliation, forgiveness, dialogue, and peace is spoken.
This evening, I ask the Lord that we Christians, and our brothers and sisters of other religions, and every man and woman of good will, cry out forcefully: violence and war are never the way to peace! Let everyone be moved to look into the depths of his or her conscience and listen to that word which says: Leave behind the self-interest that hardens your heart, overcome the indifference that makes your heart insensitive towards others, conquer your deadly reasoning, and open yourself to dialogue and reconciliation. Look upon your brother’s sorrow and do not add to it, stay your hand, rebuild the harmony that has been shattered; and all this achieved not by conflict but by encounter!
May the noise of weapons cease! War always marks the failure of peace, it is always a defeat for humanity. Let the words of Pope Paul VI resound again: “No more one against the other, no more, never! ... war never again, never again war!” (Address to the United Nations, 1965). “Peace expresses itself only in peace, a peace which is not separate from the demands of justice but which is fostered by personal sacrifice, clemency, mercy and love” (World Day of Peace Message, 1975). Forgiveness, dialogue, reconciliation – these are the words of peace, in beloved Syria, in the Middle East, in all the world! Let us pray for reconciliation and peace, let us work for reconciliation and peace, and let us all become, in every place, men and women of reconciliation and peace! Amen.
I want to talk about honesty today. I have been completely open online these days about the fact that I have a disability and I'm living in a nursing home. Although I probably have no need to explain, perhaps some would be interested to know what made me decide to do it.
Basically, I was trained by my parents, particularly my mother, to be boldly honest. So that when the various sites I'm signed up on began to really like me, I felt it was imperative that I be open about it.
Let me ask you all something: Would you rather be loved now and hated later, or hated now and loved later? Suppose people were really digging me and thinking the world of me, and I was keeping my condition a secret. Then after a good while, it came out from a source other then myself, that I was in a nursing home with a disability. They would feel betrayed and cheated!
And as I was indeed growing in popularity, I began to have qualms. In addition to my upbringing, I knew Jesus tought in the Bible: " That which is hidden will come to the light". I did not want people to like me in all good faith, and feel bitterly disappointed that I hid such a major thing about myself from them.
Therefore, I decided for a number of reasons, to be open about it. If I let people know that "what you see is what you get", things can only get better.
Below is the whole of Psalm 37. And I'm going to share my own experience with Psalm 37. Many years ago, my parents, as well as the rehab hospital I was admitted to, arrived at a general consensus that I needed to live in a setting that had 24 hour supervision. I had been a person with a disability living completely independently, and it was clear after a few years that people felt they could treat me "any ole kind of way" (as they say around my parts), and no one noticed. So, we all unanimously agreed that I needed to be in a place that could be held accountable for me.
However, my social worker had a very hard time finding a group home that was wheelchair accessible (this was all the way back in the early 1990s). So, we had one last place that we were trying. And the lady said they did have a ramp, but that I would have to prove that I could be completely and totally responsible for my own physical care.
And so, the rehab hospital did quite an excellent job of preparing me, and I moved into that group home. Problem was that they picked on me terrible because of my disability. One counselor in particular just couldn't seem to leave me alone. And I began to feel so bitter that every word of Psalm 37 became vitally important to me. Well do you know that one day this individual, who felt so free to do and say whatever popped into his head, was found dead in his home? Because wickedness seems like it will fly at the time, but they say that God keeps all our tears in a bottle. God is well familiar with our pain, and He will not allow us to be abused indefinitely. Take heart. conscience has been bothering me about this story I shared earlier in the week, because I clearly made it appear as though it's OK to celebrate someone's death. Uh-uh. Whether I rejoiced over it at the time, or however long I've been gloating about it, I was wrong. And maybe if I hadn't assumed that all my problems would be solved if he was not working there anymore, and I began to really aggressively pray for him, the story might have had a much sweeter ending.
Psalm 37 is an excellent Psalm and has a lot of reassuring and comforting promises. But we need to keep in mind when reading the David's writings that David's life was very very unique. As punishment for his adultery with Bathsheba and consequent premeditated murder of her husband Uriah, God told him that he would be surrounded by enemies all his life.
Not quite the same for New Covenant Christians. Indeed, we are told that we'll be persecuted. But our goal should never be the destruction of those who persecute us! Our goal should always be to live humbly before them. We should live with an eye toward letting people experience the love of Jesus through us.
Psalm 37
Psalms 37:1 FRET not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity.
2 For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.
3 Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.
4 Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
5 Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.
6 And he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light, and thy judgment as the noonday.
7 Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass.
8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil.
9 For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the Lord they shall inherit the earth.
10 For yet a little while, and the wicked shall not be: yea, thou shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not be.
11 But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.
12 The wicked plotteth against the just, and gnasheth upon him with his teeth.
13 The Lord shall laugh at him: for he seeth that his day is coming.
14 The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, to cast down the poor and needy, and to slay such as be of upright conversation.
15 Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.
16 A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked.
17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken: but the Lord upholdeth the righteous.
18 The Lord knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be for ever.
19 They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.
20 But the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the Lord shall be as the fat of lambs: they shall consume; into smoke shall they consume away.
21 The wicked borroweth, and payeth not again: but the righteous sheweth mercy, and giveth.
22 For such as be blessed of him shall inherit the earth; and they that be cursed of him shall be cut off.
23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.
24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.
25 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.
26 He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed.
27 Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore.
28 For the Lord loveth judgment, and forsaketh not his saints; they are preserved for ever: but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off.
29 The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever.
30 The mouth of the righteous speaketh wisdom, and his tongue talketh of judgment.
31 The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide.
32 The wicked watcheth the righteous, and seeketh to slay him.
33 The Lord will not leave him in his hand, nor condemn him when he is judged.
34 Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it.
35 I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a green bay tree.
36 Yet he passd away, and, lo, he was not: yea, I sought him, but he could not be found.
37 Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.
38 But the transgressors shall be destroyed together: the end of the wicked shall be cut off.
39 But the salvation of the righteous is of the Lord; he is their strength in the time of trouble.
40 And the Lord shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him.
The visual aid below, which I created using a neat little app called textgram, is at the heart of the Position of Friend. Can we reason together? Yes, I know that there are miles of differences between us, but is there some way we can talk? Can we find a way to live in Peace with one another?
Yes, I know many religious books say there's no hope that there will be Peace. But don't you think God would want us to try? Look at the painting behind the Bible verse in the 'visual aid'. Jesus is rescuing a man who is about to drown. Is Jesus asking the man what kind of credentials he has that make him worth saving? Is the man frantically searching his wallet for more ID or some more money? Obviously not! Jesus has no concern about the details of the man's life here on Earth. He knows He's got some saving to do, and Jesus thrives on saving those who need him, and there you have it! It's that simple!
Joel Chernoff and Lamb singing The Least I Could Do
"Then Peter said, Lo, we have left all, and followed thee. And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God’s sake, Who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting." -- Luke 18:28-30
Hello! I am here today not just to discuss friendship, but to be a friend. I want to tell you that any way you slice it, life is a rough ride. And if you wish to achieve anything worth achieving, you are going to need courage. One way or another, we all will pay the Piper. Are you going to sit in silence, afraid to share your heart and soul with the world because you don't want to seem different? Or are you going to stand for the things you truly believe in? I've heard said before, "What comes from the heart reaches the heart".
I wanna encourage you to search your heart today. Don't let this be, 'just another day'. Take time today to find out what's really going on inside that soul of yours. Ask yourself "What are my real feelings about myself and my life?" And obey the One who speaks from deep within. Don't be so afraid of rejection that you live your whole life loathing yourself just so that you can blend in.
Hard to believe, but here I am once again with something to say. I am here, In the Position of Friend, on a mission. I am not here to be the most widely read blog on blogger.
I am here because I know there are others like me, who have stomached too much for too long about this whole idea of "It's all about YOU" and "Your dreams can come true" and the real biggie, (let's get a drumroll for this one: "JUST BELIEVE". How bout it friends, anybody had about enough of this kind of bullshit? Cause I know I'm not the only intelligent person in the whole world. All the way back when I introduced My Sad Situation, I knew that there were others who in shame were going through hard times, others who secretly were watching their hearts being broken. There are others who don't wish to choose the going fare. I am here In the Position of Friend, especially for you.
Check me out: I'm not looking to go viral. Success terrifies me. I would have none of anything that would tear me from feet of Jesus. I am here 4 u. I am here for all those who would wish to choose God. Because Jesus Himself stated that rather than saying Blessed be His mother, Jesus said Blessed rather be everyone who does the will of God. Of such are my Mother and
my Sister and my Brother.
Cat Stevens singing 'Longer Boats'
Michael W. Smith singing 'Never Been Unloved'
OK, here's a poem I blended into a visual aid. My message here is that there is NO ONE person in the whole world who is superior to anybody else. NO ONE person is more loving than anybody else. WE ARE ALL completely incapable of love. So if you are looking at the size of your heart, and feeling discouraged, take heart... from the only ONE who has one... Jesus Christ. Who knows what motivates Him anyway! Maybe you can find out more about it in the Bible... I do truly feel that we are never to assume that we are better than anyone else. If we have anything worth bragging about, it's only because He gave it to us.
Hands, written and sung by Jewel
If I could tell the world just one thing
It would be that we're all OK
And not to worry 'cause worry is wasteful
And useless in times like these
I won't be made useless
I won't be idle with despair
I will gather myself around my faith
For light does the darkness most fear
My hands are small, I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
But they're not yours, they are my own
And I am never broken
Poverty stole your golden shoes
It didn't steal your laughter
And heartache came to visit me
But I knew it wasn't ever after
We'll fight, not out of spite
For someone must stand up for what's right
'Cause where there's a man who has no voice
There ours shall go singing
My hands are small I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
But they're not yours, they are my own
I am never broken
In the end only kindness matters
In the end only kindness matters
I will get down on my knees, and I will pray
I will get down on my knees, and I will pray
I will get down on my knees, and I will pray
My hands are small I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
But they're not yours, they are my own
And I am never broken
My hands are small I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
But they're not yours, they are my own
And I am never broken We are never broken
We are God's eyes
We are God's hands
We are God's mind
We are God's eyes
We are God's hands
We are God's heart
We are God's eyes
God's hands
God's eyes
We are God's hands
We are God's hands
If we had a friend detector, or some kind of calculator... that could tell us very quickly whether someone in our lives is a real friend, how would we program it? What qualities would we get it too look for, where if an individual possessed these qualities, we would know that we could trust him or her with our hearts?
One indicator of the type of friend someone is, would be how they react when good things happen to us. I've noticed now, that not everyone who claims that they love me or shows signs that they wish to be my friend reacts appropriately to the various types of events in my life. When I interact with a person who gets mad when good things happen to me, and almost seems to enjoy watching me struggle on a tough day, I can't help but question the sincerity of a person like this.
I had a friend in grade school for instance, whose parents were in the middle of an ugly divorce. My parents, were happily married, and both my friend and her mother latched onto our family intensely at that time. However, both Susan and her mother were saying hurtful things to us, and instead of distancing ourselves, in the name of friendship we tried to make it work.
What do we do when people like this come into our lives? What do we do with people who sincerely want to be our friends, but their emotional instability is preventing them from being a friend we can value?
The issue of neediness plays a part in this, the type of person I've described here badly needs a good friend. We also, may need a friend. Always good to have friends. So, rather than outright rejecting this "so-called" friend, we can opt for trying to bring out the best on him or her. We can attempt to tread softly on the areas of this person's weak spots. Remain aware that this person has been less fortunate in certain ways. Be kind, but do not give your everything to the friendship. Cautiously overlook any unpleasant comments and intentions that this person displays. Redefine the type of friendship it is. Love exists in every friendship. But complete trust should remain between you and God only.
Well hello gang! Took me a while to get back to you with something, but if you have gotten to know the rhythm of my blogging, you know that once I settle down to write a blog, I give it my utmost, and therefore my blogs just cannot be produced at any old time of the day or night. But I am having a relaxing afternoon, and I do have some thoughts I've been wanting to share.
Isn't friendship the most exciting thing of all? I am noticing some people in my life who am realizing I like. See, that's the key word in friendship; a friend is someone who likes you. A friendship is birthed when we like someone. Usually, we like people because we notice that we share in common with them something that we place a certain amount of importance on. It could be a favorite hobby, a favorite nationality of food, or, what's often the most important to me in my friends is that they have a proactive, enthusiastic attitude.
And so, we have before us those people who we would like to get to know better. Imagine that you are a painter, and that before you is a canvas. You are going to put your friends on the canvas.
You have to observe what each friends looks like. This is the input which your friends have into the outcome of the painting. Then the exciting part comes. As the co-creator of our friendships, we have the privilege of choosing what favorite features about each friend we want to convey on our canvas. Lastly, when our friends view the finished work, they have a deepened understanding of the qualities we value in them.
What I am trying to say here, using an artist and his or her subject as a symbol, is that one of the very most exciting things about making and keeping friends is that it's interactive. Friendship is one of the few things left in this world that cannot happen alone. It is dependent on it's participants, and how those participants conduct themselves.
Keep the dream alive don't let it die
If something deep inside keeps inspiring you to try, don't stop
And never give up, don't ever give up on you
Don't give up
Every victory comes in time, work today to change tomorrow
It gets easier, who's to say that you can't fly
Every step you take you get, closer to your destination
You can feel it now, don't you know you're almost there
To fulfill divine plan you gotta answer when you're called
So don't be afraid to face the world against all odds
Keep the dream alive don't let it die
If something deep inside keeps inspiring you to try, don't stop
And never give up, don't ever give up on you
[Bridge:] Who holds the pieces to complete the puzzle?
The answer that can solve a mystery
The key that can unlock your understanding
It's all inside of you, you have everything you need
Sooooo, keep the dream alive don't let it die
If something deep inside, keeps inspiring you to try don't stop
And never give up, don't ever give up on you
Sometimes life can place a stumbling block in your way
But you're gotta keep the faith, bring what's deep inside your Heart to the light
And never give up on you
Don't ever give up on you
Nooo don't give up,
No, no, no, no don't give up
Oh, no, no, no, no don't...give...up
Hi friends! If you like what I'm discussing as your friend here on Blogger, you might feel like checking me out In the Position of Friend on Facebook. I have a variety of links and stuff there. I'm also @Promoted2Friend on Twitter, if you're interested. Have a good day!
What does a person who takes the position of Friend seriously do, when she is totally frustrated and pissed off? Yes this kind of question is, as my mother used to say, separates the men from the boys (or the girls from the women). I am here feeling like I have had it!!!!!
A girl who has NO BRAIN manipulated situations to try to alienate my boyfriend Andre from me and I from him. We had done nothing to bring this about, and she had nothing to gain from doing it. But this was just at the tail end of issues about the place where I'm staying, which has brought me to the end of my rope, and I'm irritated! And so, how do I handle it?
Well, to tear away any illusion I may have created that I am the patron saint of friendship, I'll be honest: I gave the bitch a piece of my mind! So that's one benefit of creating good friendships. You feel secure enough in your friends, that you feel confident about your ability to communicate and defend yourself when the time comes.
Now, soon after some of this had occured, my Dad came came to visit, as we had been planning. Here's a temptation that's very very common: to freak out on those who we know love us and need us. And just as my Dad arrived and walked around a little trying to figure out what was going on, it came to me. "Raya, please don't hurt your father and your boyfriend for things that are in the past, that they had little or nothing to do with, and very very importantly COULDN'T HELP". Therefore, though the beginning of my visit with my Dad was somewhat awkward, I reassured him that I was at peace with the way I was managing things, and we ended up having a nice time.
And so, how do I sum all this up? I would like to give you some suggestions as to how to react when people are driving you up the wall. What I can say is, your battle is really with yourself. Are you going to express your anger creatively or destructively? The first thing I did was tell the perpetrator exactly what I thought of her attitude. I displayed my rage
a. Directly with the person who was the source of it
b. Immediately after the incident that caused it
Very very important people! Infinitely important.
Consequently, the rest of the events of my day just flowed. I continued to insure that certain injustices will stop occurring by speaking to a supervisor who I feel close to about some of my concerns, and I am hoping they will be addressed.
I jotted down a short prayer, and I decided to try a new app, and turn my prayer into an image. This is something I was just completing when my Dad came, and he liked it.
A practice I believe in, and I see my boyfriend making it a rule for himself as well, is to stay productive. Anger is a natural part of the heart and mind. We should not feel shame for things that are a natural part of who we are. If we accept our anger, then it is more likely that we will handle it appropriately. Whatever is going on in your life, seek to share the the truth of your heart with people. Is there any way you can fail, if you do this?
Here, you have a tune, along with some good words on forgiveness, which I didn't want you to miss out on.
"If a man gave all the substance of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned"
--Song of Solomon chapter 8, verse 7
I am sharing the above verse, and I would like you to see the word love, as friendship. Because the world is going around and around, and all of us are after different things in our lives. And the only thing we are willing to ever stop for, is for those we care about deeply.
You see, because in order for a friendship to grow in a healthy way, there will be times when we will need to put away our own wishes and desires and make ourselves available to another. And although there's a lot of talk about celebrating our differences, and this is good to do, there are times when we will need to conform ourselves to another person's likes and dislikes.
The word, to say it plainly, is sacrifice. Sacrifice for the sake of another has become almost an extinct practice. So many motivational speakers encourage us to "seize the present moment". They tell us to concentrate only on doing "what feels right" for us. But friends, I'm sorry to tell you; look further down the road of a life lived only for what is going to be good for you. What you will see is one very lonely person. The need for friendship dictates that we must communicate love to those who we appreciate having in our lives. This will mean, going with "what feels right" for them at times.
A healthy balance of letting our friends know where we stand and what we expect, and being sensitive to their personality components and what they need from us, is likely to end up in a stable, happy friendship!
How does friendship happen? Friendship is solely dependent on communication. Without the ability to understand what someone is telling me, and the ability to respond with an answer that will satisfy the need addressed, a friendship cannot be grow.
What is your first thought when you wake in the morning? Chances are, if you're like me, you think of the best way to present yourself to those you care about to where they can be persuaded to meet your needs, whatever they may be. So right away, our waking desire is to be "at peace with ourselves, the world and everyone in it"*. There is only one catch. Every individual on the face of this earth wants to be validated for his or her own specific needs, and each of us will find throughout the course of the day that some people will be turned on to our needs, and unfortunately, some will be turned off.
When people are turned off, to our needs, we should feel challenged to develop improved communication with them. A big mistake we make when we feel threatened by someone's lack of connection with us is that we allow ourselves to feel destroyed, even by a minor incident! And over a single miscommunication, we sometimes consider someone a foe who would otherwise have had great potential to turn into a friend. So remember, when things don't work out right away as you hoped, be patient.
As you proceed through your day, stay focused on those relationships in your life that are the most meaningful. Concentrate on how to best contribute to the health of those. This way your heart will be at rest. And for me, to be at rest in my innermost heart is the most important thing.
*Dick Sutphen
It's a mad rush out there today to succeed. But is anyone really evaluating what success really means for them personally? It is fed to us every day; these mind over matter theories.
True there have been discoveries made about state of mind and how it affects our motivation and energy levels. But now, as a result of these discoveries, It may be that many people fear the future more than ever. I'll tell u how it makes me feel. It makes me feel like, now that I've been inundated with all this encouragement, I have no excuse if I don't end up making it big!
So let me tell you what I have decided to do with my life: I have decided to be a FRIEND. I'm taking the shortcut. Instead of staking my sites on being the owner of a billion dollar company, and by so-doing impress enough people to where my spouse would love me and appreciate me, I am learning to just put down my device altogether when he comes to see me, and talking to him. I'm getting to understand him better and letting him understand me.
The story of David and Goliath in the Bible is one that is known to almost everyone. But there's an ironic little part to it that may not be the first thing we remember about it. When David set forth to the place where Goliath was, there were many who wanted to put a lot of big fancy armour on him (that of a knight I imagine). But David refused all of the fancy expensive armour. He said would be too cumbersome and would slow him down. So he chose to use a little slingshot, "five smooth stones". And with one of them, David killed giant Goliath.
These days, life itself is a giant. just getting through a day is a giant. Let me encourage you to live simply. Spend time with your friends and family.
Many people today draw a complete blank when it comes to knowing how to deal with a friend who has suffered a loss of any kind. Whether a close friend has lost a job, a girlfriend or boyfriend, or a physical ability, the majority of people have no clue what to say or do to help. What we should aim for, is giving someone a better perspective on what has happened to him or her.
One thing I have observed, is that a person who has experienced a loss of any kind may not even want you to know how much he or she is hurting. Therefore, it is important to be natural. Focus on issues other than what has been lost. Hopefully, if this is a friend you truly love, he or she will come to understand that they are in a safe environment, and may want to talk about it. Whatever the matter, whether someone actually verbalizes about the problem or not, the best thing we can do is to make our friend feel safe by reassure him or her that we are unchanged, and that the quality of our friendship will remain unshaken.
Honesty, for me, is the most important ingredient in friendship. If someone is a real friend, then he or she will want me to be completely truthful with him or her about all of my thoughts and feelings. Even if my thoughts and feelings disagree with theirs, when a friend loves me, he or she will embrace me in my entirety. Because when there is a friendship, many abstractions between the heart and mind are understood among people that fall short of definition. Friends do not hold one another to specifics of the words spoken, nor to dress sizes, or even skin color.
Talkin bout unconditional love here, where we don't say "if this" or "when that", because unconditional love is limitless. I imagine there was much of it when the first settlers came over here on the Mayflower. Because they were all in one accord. And even if we read in the book of Acts in the Bible, which is an account of what the Jesus' disciples did after He ascended. They spread the good news which he gave "and many were added to their number daily; those that were being saved".*
*Acts chapter 2, verse 47
OK, in my last blog I said that I would be continuing on the topic of 'Friends and cunning'. Some of you may have hoped I would continue the story of my friendship with the young girl I spoke of, Susan. Actually, we stayed friends right up until our college years, but we grew very far apart in terms of our goals and lifestyle choices.
But my point in introducing you to Susan was that, Sometimes even the best of friends might say things or suggest things that will be detrimental to us if we take them too seriously. As I review what I shared about Susan and her mother, I'm thinking, "I wish I had had more insight into what she must have been going through". As kids, all we think about is "me-me-me" isn't it?
Anyways, if a close friend or even a relative suggests something that really and truly doesn't sit right with you, get help. Try to find someone objective to discuss your concerns with.
In conclusion, your best friend may not, and probably is not right all the time. In fact, I know that even my parents, out of nothing but their love for me, told me I was right at times when they might have been wiser if they had tried to get me to consider the possibility that I was wrong, and visa versa.
Then, may I just add that, knowing this, understand that if you want to be the best friend you can be, be honest.
When I was in the sixth grade, I was best friends with a little girl named Susan. As often happens with kids that age, her mother met my mom and dad, and they hit it off. It was great! Her mom really liked my parents a lot, and Susan and her sister Lisa became good friends with me.
However, after a number of months, things became more difficult. You see, Susan's mother was in the middle of a painful divorce. The fact that my parents were happily married, and Nancy was being rejected by the man she had married (not sure who rejected who, I was only a child 10 years old), was one of the most damaging forces ever in the lives of my parents and myself. You see, the more painful Nancy's divorce became, the more tempting it was for her to compare herself to my mother.Simultaneously, my little friend Susan, in her bitterness that she was losing her dad while I still had mine, became very very envious. So then, one night when Susan slept over my house, she began to say awful things to me. This girl, who I considered my very best friend, was very casually saying to me that "everybody hated me". Doesn't every child just dread hearing such words? She added too that the young boy who I thought was the cutest in the class actually liked her, and that they frequently found themselves staring at each other in class. Just imagine how much all of this hurt!Now, let's go back to the topic of this blog. We are discussing cunning. Can you see how Susan's envy got the better of her? She was struggling with some hard issues for a girl of her age and was comparing her lifestyle to the security and worry-free childhood I was experiencing. Though we started out "bosom buddies", at this point our friendship had clearly changed. Susan may still have admired me, but she no longer sincerely enjoyed spending time with me. She looked at me, and I was an ugly reminder that she was losing her father.When a close friend begins to behave in a way that does not line up with your standards for friendship, the warning flag should go up. Right then and there, when Susan was saying cruel things to me, I needed to be brave enough to recognize that she could no longer be trusted in the way that I wanted to trust her.