Saturday, September 21, 2013

Even different beliefs are friendly to each other!

I am going to agree with some ideas that the "New Age" movement presents. New Age is a kind of spiritual/philosophical establishment with some interesting and helpful ideas. One that I want to go into is that we are in a loving Universe, and that only good is coming to us. Now, if you have had a very difficult life, and you think what I am saying is nonsense, please don't give up on me yet. Whether life seems horrible to you now, or whether you are dancing on air, stay with me.
Many Christians, and in fact the Christian-Judaic ethic, base their conduct and their thinking on a verse in the Bible that reads "love not the world" (1 John chapter 2 and verse 15). So they write off their life and most any positive thought that is introduced to them. Yet an argument is discussed by many theologians that even though we are to avoid the temptations that are in the world, God also has told us that "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life." (John chapter 3 and verse16) So from this verse we know that the One who created the Universe, loved, and still loves what he has made, and He loves us.
So both the idea that the New Agers believe and the idea that the Bible states are the thought that we are in a Universe created in and through love. Moreover, based on this there are some other points we can see where New Agers and Christians agree. We can believe that the Universe is our FRIEND, and not our enemy, we are not in a situation where we have to fight God. Want something? God is saying "Not a problem! If you put your boxing gloves away, it might be easier for Me to reach you. I am your Friend. Take those boxing mitts off, and my goodness will flow to you much more easily". That's not in the Bible. That is my description of how God feels about us.
And so Christianity and New Age agree.
  1) We are in a loving universe.
  2) Good things are coming our way
  3) We can enhance our quality of life if we trust and believe

Now, our method of getting our level of faith improved is different. What I do is; I am open with God about the difficulties I have, both in my attitude and in my life. It is not easy for me to stop assuming that I am going to have to struggle for the things I need and want. So I ask God to help me. If I didn't have Jesus to support me in my perceptions, I would just be throwing punches in the air. But we all reach the same destination in the end. Those who are without Jesus and yet hold to knowing that good things are coming, will eventually find that "Pearl beyond price" (Matthew chapter 13 verses 45 and 46), and that pearl is JESUS.

Kathy Troccoli singing 'Corner of Eden'

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