Sunday, August 18, 2013

Rescuing each other --one of the most satisfying parts of being friends

The visual aid below, which I created using a neat little app called textgram, is at the heart of the Position of Friend. Can we reason together? Yes, I know that there are miles of differences between us, but is there some way we can talk? Can we find a way to live in Peace with one another?

Yes, I know many religious books say there's no hope that there will be Peace. But don't you think God would want us to try? Look at the painting behind the Bible verse in the 'visual aid'. Jesus is rescuing a man who is about to drown. Is Jesus asking the man what kind of credentials he has that make him worth saving? Is the man frantically searching his wallet for more ID or some more money? Obviously not! Jesus has no concern about the details of the man's life here on Earth. He knows He's got some saving to do, and Jesus thrives on saving those who need him, and there you have it! It's that simple!

Joel Chernoff and Lamb singing The Least I Could Do

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