Tuesday, September 3, 2013

No time for tangled webs

I want to talk about honesty today. I have been completely open online these days about the fact that I have a disability and I'm living in a nursing home. Although I probably have no need to explain, perhaps some would be interested to know what made me decide to do it.
Basically, I was trained by my parents, particularly my mother, to be boldly honest. So that when the various sites I'm signed up on began to really like me, I felt it was imperative that I be open about it.
Let me ask you all something: Would you rather be loved now and hated later, or hated now and loved later? Suppose people were really digging me and thinking the world of me, and I was keeping my condition a secret. Then after a good while, it came out from a source other then myself, that I was in a nursing home with a disability. They would feel betrayed and cheated!
And as I was indeed growing in popularity, I began to have qualms. In addition to my upbringing, I knew Jesus tought in the Bible: " That which is hidden will come to the light". I did not want people to like me in all good faith, and feel bitterly disappointed that I hid such a major thing about myself from them.
Therefore, I decided for a number of reasons, to be open about it. If I let people know that "what you see is what you get", things can only get better.

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