Thursday, November 21, 2013

Commitment: What does it require?

Commitment, for me, is a totally overwhelming subject. Commitment means everything to me. Two ingredients must exist for a commitment to be successful: the 1st is unconditional love, and the 2nd is follow-through. Without both of these, commitment cannot be.

Unconditional love takes courage and a willingness to sacrifice. When you choose to love someone unconditionally, you take some chances. You are letting it be consciously known that you believe in someone, and when you do this, you can't be sure that you will get a positive  response right away, or when, or even ever. To be committed to someone, or any number of things (it doesn't have to be a person) is a difficult decision to make. I would say it is a decision made between you and God.

The second essential ingredient in commitment is follow-through. If you have decided that you love unconditionally the object of your commitment, the next challenge, or set of challenges comes along when complications arise, and you are left wondering: "Does this even make any sense?", "Am I getting (or ever going to get) any payback?" But see, there is the whole meaning of unconditional love. Unconditional love means you abandon the anticipation that you are going to receive something. You are only going to think of what is best for the recipient of your love.

Commitment, love, follow through... guess who the first person to commit to should be? The one you see in the mirror every day! Commitment is an enormous, enormous subject. Please be patient with me as I try to knock out this series. I wanna do it justice. I want to be fair in putting out quality, accurate information.

"Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write on the tablet of your heart." --Proverbs chapter 3, verse 3

Mariah Carey: Anytime You Need A Friend

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