Sunday, May 5, 2013

Choosing friendship

I want to continue on the topic of needing forgiveness,  needing to be asked for forgiveness, and some interesting grounds along these lines.

Today was a little rough for me, and how do I deal with someone who is giving me pain or has just inflicted pain on me? (limiting this discussion to emotional pain) A popular way of handling it is to act like a Superman/Superwoman. "Oh thank you for that! That was wonderful! Don't even in your wildest dreams think you hurt me!" LMAO. Look, this is not realistic. When we try to indicate this to someone when in reality it hurt like hell,  you know what we're doing? We're lying!

On the other hand, if we are honest and let someone know that their words or actions injured us, it shows that we value our integrity and the integrity of the friendship.We need to choose our words carefully though. We want to avoid making the person defensive.

Another popular practice... one that I have not believed in and mostly avoid because it is immoral, is getting even. I really despise actions of this kind. When people avoid letting me know that I have hurt them or am hurting them, and then, after behaving like they're crazy about me, I find out that they have done something sneaky. It makes me ask, what kind of relationship do I have with this person anyway?

Let's all of us together, you guys who are reading, and myself included,  brainstorm on about how to manage relationships and situations when someone has been insensitive. We will continue on this topic when I have more answers.  The good thing now is that we have established that feeling injured by someone is an awkward place to be.

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