Thursday, December 3, 2015

Can we consider someone a friend if he or she is not trustworthy?

Often, when I address an issue on this blog, it is not because I know the answer. Rather, I take apart the components of a situation in the hope that as I reflect on it together with you, a resolution will come about.

I'm thinking actually, of a specific person who has repeatedly disappointed me, and I found out that she didn't love me as much as she claimed she did. But then, that's the question, isn't it? Can someone love us, who for reasons we may never know, just can't make a full fledged commitment to be honest with us, and to love us in the wholeness of what is our definition of love? I still remember, what a friend from days gone by once told me about her mother. She said "I'm learning to let her love me in the only way she can". As I think about it, none of our friends are perfect. Even my dad, who right now in my life I would say is my best friend, and my other good friends as well, cannot deliver to me what I need 100% of the time.

So the answer I would give to my title question is, Yes. There may be people in our lives who truly love us, but (most likely) because of what they have experienced of love, or maybe even what they learned was love growing up, are not completely trustworthy, and may even let us down in a big way at times. People such as these need us to be patient.

Then too whatever we need from them that we are unable to get from them, in my life, I have decided just to pray about it, and keep a positive attitude. Whatever the unfulfilled need is, it may not be as severe as it seems.

♬   Sounds of Blackness: Hold On (Change is Coming)

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