Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Longevity is something that's very much missing from today's world. We don't like something, so we return it to the store and get our money back. Our child has trouble in school, so we send him/her to a private school, or we move to another area where he/she can attend a different school. We don't like a job, we quit and find another. On the flip side, an employee isn't working out, so out the door he goes. We don't like our boyfriend or girlfriend, so we break up and look for someone else. Nowadays, we can even change the gender we're born with. People think nothing of getting divorced. In fact, it seems most people who get married no longer do it with the idea that it's gonna last "Till death do us part". Worst of all, the suicide rate (and homicide) seems to have risen to an all-time high. People don't like their lives, so they just end it.

I used to listen to a lot of radio shows that talked about marriage and relationships. I learned a lot about sticking it out. The concept that "the best way out is through". I once came across a wall hanging that stopped me in my tracks. It said "Bloom where you're planted". The theory is, that God puts us in certain situations to grow us and to strengthen us. God has a special plan for each of our lives, and He has purposes for the circumstances we find ourselves in, even when they are not so pleasant. And because He plans for us to fulfill a particular purpose or purposes, when we move, or separate, or even go for plastic surgery, in the end we are going to find ourselves facing the exact same problems that we left.

You see, because the problem is not him or her or it, the problem is us. The problem is that there is something we lack that we can only attain by getting through our lives the way God has designed them. Be willing to work with what God has given you. After you master it, after you find your way within it. You will be triumphant beyond measure!

♬    Shekinah Glory Ministry: Yes

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