Saturday, July 4, 2015

Humility - Friendship gets the victory

OK. So a couple blogs ago, I opened up to all of you about a situation that left me very uncomfortable here in my place of dwelling. Those who were responsible for making sure my medical needs were taken care of, you could say were AWOL. And as I said in my previous blog, it made me very angry, and I wished for the people involved to be terminated, though I was aware that it was not a Christian mentality to entertain.

Well several days have gone by, and though I was furious, and even wanted to take legal action, yet as I reviewed the events of that evening, my heart softened. I began to put myself in the supervisor's place, and understand what went on in his heart. So, I thought, here I've talked to a bunch of people about the incident, why don't I call the supervisor himself, and just talk the two of us, about what happened and how he felt about it. He thought it was a great idea. So as soon as he was able to come and talk to me, we talked. As he told me his perspective on it, I began to agree, and I almost told his story for him, even to the point where he said "Gee it sounds like you're reading my mind". Because see, over the course of a few days, compassion had taken over where so much anger had been at first. He left my room with a very happy smile and said "I feel better". Friendship had taken over.

Too, as I continued to think about the people involved, I found a real fault in myself, and something that I need to stay alert to and wary of. People care very much what I think of them. This supervisor had always shown a great deal of concern for anything I brought to his attention, and done his best for me. And I'm confessing here: I saw how sensitive he was and eager to please, and I took advantage of it. I made inappropriate demands on him, and behaved in a disrespectful, ungrateful manner.

And so, this is what I learned: though I am important to people, it only comes from God and at all times I need to remember, that people like me because I'm likable, and if I cease to be likable, many people will cease to like me, as they should.

The Maranatha Singers: Humble Thyself in the Sight of the Lord

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