Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Friends inevitably have to fake it sometimes

I have here an animation from The Wizard of Oz. I imagine most of you have seen it. This here is where the wizard is discovered to be a timid old man, and nothing like the frightening image he presented himself as when Dorothy, the scarecrow, the tin man, and the lion first walked in.

I chose this to say, guess what? I am no expert in friendship. This evening I've been feeling very very lonely. I couldn't get a hold of my boyfriend. Think he was either asleep, or run out of minutes on his phone. And many of my online friends, if not all of them can be very very cold towards me. It's like pulling teeth to get them to mark "like" on anything or reply to anything. People here where I live? Many of them are nice. But the higher ups don't like me. And so when someone behaves unfairly towards me, there is basically nothing I can do about it. I'm stuck.

Then, recently I did something that I think, although I could justify it, the bottom line is, it did not please God. I was unkind to a young girl who thought the world of me. I want to say, if I am going to represent friendship, you just don't do that. A real friend makes it one of the things she expects of herself: that she does not repay kindness with unkindness.

And so, friendship can sometimes be made impossible because we have to consider strategy, and things we would like to tell people, probably should tell people, we don't. We know that though we long to be able to communicate better with everyone, there are those who don't see love and friendship in the same way as we do.

This evening I purchased from Amazon a song to celebrate Easter. It can be seen as a song about the practice of Communion, and/or the song can be understood to be about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Myself, I do not go out to church, so I never receive communion. Hopefully the Lord will still raise me up on the last day. Every time I choose obedience over sin, it could be stated that He raises me up.

        by Marilla Ness

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