Wednesday, December 24, 2014

State of the Union according to A True Friend

Hello friends! Well, Christmas Eve and I am doing NOTHING. I am hanging out with you guys at this point. Let me tell you all, with the shape the world is in today I think every single one of us inhabitants of the earth needs a miracle. Each one of us is in some type of situation where something has spiraled out of control, and we feel we cannot regain control of it. The sexual thing. I know you know how I feel about that. People want to go to bed with everybody they see and meet. There is this heightened sexual awareness between men and women now, and it has become more important than any other thing in most people's lives. Years ago, girls were afraid to have sex because they didn't want to get pregnant. After that, laws got passed that young girls could have access to birth control and also to abortions. Now, in this present day and age, it has come about that there is no longer any shame involved in having children out of wedlock.

This has scarred the education system. Our education system has a whole new face from what it once was. Very few people complete a proper high school program and get a high school diploma. Most commonly, kids drop out, do absolutely whatever the heck they feel like, and the result is that many end up if not in jail, then working minimum wage jobs, and the lucky ones might just make it back to get a GED and learn some kind of profitable trade. But I will say, many many people in reputable professions do not have any kind of thorough understanding of their field at all. None.

And what do we do? We have a society the whole world over that is dumber than people were 100 years ago. And nobody is even addressing any of these issues at all. My thoughts... that go through my head as I plod through these nonsensical days of my life.

Good night,
and Merry Christmas yes yes

♬   Deniece Williams: It's Gonna Take a Miracle

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