Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Friendship is valuable

There are all kinds of things to be said on the subject of friendship being valuable. What first comes to mind for me, our friendships are enhanced as we continue to go the distance with our friends. However, a situation occurred in my life with a couple of fairly new facebook friends, and it caused me some sorrow, but I had to unfriend them. I imagine the majority of my facebook friends know about my  A True Friend Facebook page, and if they take any sincere interest in me at all, then they've gotta have some idea that I am trying my best to be a true friend. Well, call it paranoia or something, but recently I was socializing with a fairly new facebook friend, and I made mention in passing of something that was bugging me here where I live (in my nursing home). After that, she ignored me and I got shut out of the conversation. And afterwards I continued to be ignored.

You know what this told me? This told me very simply that she placed no value on our friendship. And I will say it in the tone a former art teacher I had in my freshman year of Art School. He came to my piece and said in a very clear voice. "Uh-uh!" Translated that would mean, "This will not do at all". And this is what I am telling you guys here at Always Your Friend. When you recognize that your friendship means nothing to somebody, time to go. Yes patience and trying to see the best in people are very important components to a positive relationship. But there are times when making a good effort comes to an end. There will be people who assume that if you are trying your best to be a good person then you will put up with anything. But if someone is taking away your peace of mind, when being around a person is unpleasant every time, then as far as I'm concerned it is time to say bye.

It is impossible to be a true friend when one specific "friend" is zapping your energy and self confidence. Walk away from a relationship that is constantly worrisome and only makes you unhappy.

♬   Pat Benatar: Treat Me Right

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