Saturday, August 9, 2014

Yes it does! It takes the patience of a Saint!

So it's been a very very long time since I wrote a blog, but here I am. I wanna tell you all about the changes and complications that have occurred for me with blogger since I have been using a new and upgraded device. First of all, and very embarrassing, the images I've uploaded to coordinate with my blog disappear. I have discovered that if I delete them from my homescreen image collection, they get removed from my blog. I don't know why this is. Then I also had to go through a little bit of a process to verify myself, which I did. And they also gave me an email address so that wherever I am, if I want to create a blog, I can send it through my email. Something that would never happen, because I'm way too meticulous about my blogs.

Anyway, to go onto addressing friendship issues. I know when I have someone who I care about, and suddenly I turn around and see them suffering very much, it tears me to pieces. Such is the case now with my Dad. Very much earlier in my blog writing, I mentioned a few times that my relationship with my brother is strained, and that I wish it were not so. Well, people get older, and the juxtapositions within relationships change, and my brother's self esteem has hit rock bottom. I realized this because of things I found out on the internet about him. But also because after the death of my mother, my brother has sought to work ruin for my Dad, and it is breaking my heart.

What do you do, when a close family member is hurting? When forces that you have no control over are working against someone you love? The only thing I know to do is pray. Be patient with your circumstances, and be patient also for your prayers to be heard.

Men are not bestowed with the same kind of patience as women have. If it looks like they're gonna lose, they very quickly get tempted to walk away from the game. But as one who has been given Eternal Life, I know that God goes on forever. God is the winner of every game, and those who have him living inside them, can never lose. Still, not everybody is as confident as I. But all of us only need to hang in there with everything. And realize that there's a whole other world within the heavens, one that is not at all effected by all the double dealing that goes on here on earth.

The Worship Community: Stilled and Quieted my Soul

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