Friday, February 21, 2014

Why forgive?

I want to look at a subject that is very much a part of friendship, and is essential to any friendship if we want the friendship to last. I probably haven't addressed it head on before, but friendship is all about forgiveness and mercy. So I'm going to write about forgiveness, and I'm going to approach it with you from the angle of a friend.

Today something happened to me, which has happened many times before, and I'm quite sure it has happened to all of you from time to time. My phone charger stopped working. Now, the majority of my waking hours are spent working on my phone, and quite honestly, I'm kind of lost without it. So it is virtually a disaster when my charger stops working. And just about everyone here has the same type of phone. But I can never find a single person to loan me a charger. Very easily, this could throw me into a huge pity party, particularly since many times different people here have turned to me to fix their phones, and even borrowed my charger when their charger gave out.

However, I do not let the apparent lack of generosity affect my relationships with people at all. There are people who I am sure I could get back at, or stop being nice to. There are lots and lots of people who I could stop being nice to. So why don't I? I don't because I love them! I overlook their selfish acts because I enjoy their friendship. I would rather continue to have good times than bury myself in a grudge.

By forgiving people and holding their friendship to be of greater value than the small hurts I incur from them, I allow my mind to remain in a peaceful view of abundance. I am looking at all the love, all the laughs, the beauty and support people give me. If, on the other hand, I said "That's the last straw, don't expect any kindness from me ever again!", look at all the words even in that sentence which create lack!

And so, unforgivness has its origin in a mentality of lack, and continues to bring with it more lack. But if we can rise above people's misdeeds, and look to our goals and dreams, than won't we be happier people? I am pretty sure we will!

Spanky and Our Gang: Like to Get to Know You

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