Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Doctor Doctor: Might I show you the power beyond you and I?

 OK. Once again I am presenting you with a post from my Instagram. I want to continue on the topic of conflict, and how rather run from it, or place blame on others who are involved, I want to raise the question: what can I learn from what happened here?

We see once again the subject of idolatry. People who we see as responsible for helping us stay alive, wouldn't it seem natural to put them on a level with God? And as with God, so it is with people; we get indignant when we can't run the show. Having to trust someone else is not easy.

But bringing people to Christ is not easy, and to make Christ visible to skeptics and doubters, it requires doing things differently than the way we would naturally tend to do them.

So are doctors conceited? Yes. Do they make decisions that we don't agree with? Yes. Do we want them to see Christ in us? If the answer is yes, than we need to show them,  not so much that we trust them, but that we trust the power beyond them: the power of Jesus Christ, who let go, for our sake, of getting His own way. 

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