Monday, May 9, 2016

Accepting the situations we find ourselves in, and learning to appreciate them

OK. You know why I think we should practice accepting and appreciating what we have? We might not get anything better. A new house might not turn out to be a better house. A new boyfriend/husband might not turn out to be a better boyfriend/husband a new gender might not be a better gender. Changing our surroundings when life doesn't make us happy can be a terrible mistake. Usually, if we feel unhappy, the one we need to change is ourselves.

Got a real wakeup call about this point recently. I don't how much I have written about it on this blog, but some of you may have figured out that I have almost ongoing friction with the respiratory department where I reside. Now I could carry on and say, "Oh that wicked respiratory department!" And I could think of a few choice criticisms to make. Lazy, nasty attitude, spiteful, etc. But wait a minute. Is it possible that I have something to do with the friction experienced between me and the respiratory department?

Here's a big one folks. I can't believe I'm actually about to confess this: IDOLATRY. Yep. Making the respiratory department more important than the Lord. Rather than having faith that it is the Lord who is providing me with oxygen and breath, I'm seeing it as - my breathing treatments, my suctions, the procedures carried out by the respiratory personnel, as the power behind my breathing.

I imagine this puts the people who work in respiratory under a great deal of pressure, which probably  is the reason why we seldom get along. I am making them responsible for way too much.

But do you see how changing nursing homes, or constantly switching therapists (which I do) would in nowise solve the problem? It would only make matters worse! Friends, if you are unhappy, chances are you are actually unhappy with yourself, and not any external factor.

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