Thursday, May 29, 2014

Everything sucks!

We have a president here in the United States: who only cares about money, and nothing BUT money. I am an individual on Social Security Disability. I receive approximately $7,000.00 per year, and that's all. And do you know that sucker sends me about 3 or 4 emails per day? I receive 3 to 4 emails PER DAY, from, asking me for donations?  In his administration, it's been about the Almighty Dollar, and only the Almighty Dollar! And nothing else in the whole world is of any value at all.

FRIENDS, help me out here, I DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS! I do not agree with the devaluation of every other joy that has been able to enter human experience, besides money! I have a father who I love. And now, for what seems to me no reason that makes any sense, he is in serious danger of having the government control all of his finances.

Let me tell you about the Jews and Barack Obama. Barack Obama spoke words that seemed to come from an angel. "Our relationship with Israel is rock solid". "We must be sensitive to Israels' security concerns". But this, my friends, is what actually happened: Netanyahu and them said among themselves "Obama loves money. We'll slip him a little something, and we will have no worries about his policy concerning Israel". Yep. Barack understands the language of money. Accepting "gifts" is his daily fare. And in the meantime, a blind eye is turned on all the violence and abuse of the Palestinians.

I am writing you guys because I want it to end. I want an end to all this showiness and flashiness. I want the importance back on authenticity in education. I don't want to see anymore honorary degrees. I want employees to return to finding satisfaction in proving their expertise. I want kids to be excited about choosing something to bring in for show and tell; not because it's the most expensive looking, but because it is something that uniquely means something to them!

I want to stop, I a person receiving $7,000.00 per year, hey Obama, get a grip! I don't have any money for you! But I am still a person as equally deserving of art and music and travel in my life as ANYONE ELSE. Don't tell me that I'm not!!!

♬   Silverwind: Ode to a Lost Innocence

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Where on earth did my heart go?

What do you do, when you have someone in your life who is so unpleasant to you, that it feels difficult to even find within you a lean, towards getting along? Children often feel this way. Mother is unhappy with something they've done. She expresses it, and perhaps she administers a discipline. She says "Go to your room and do your homework. No TV today". Then, dinnertime, and mother invites the child back downstairs to join the rest of the family. How will most children feel? I guess it all depends on the disposition of the child. Me? I would have sulked and said "I don't want any dinner!"

Yep. Shit happens. Recently I was concerned about a good friend who was getting high all the time. Also a display of just total disgust with the way things seem to be panning out in life. And so, I'll get even with life! I'll do something which will harm my mind and body. I'm not trying to be sarcastic about it. Unfortunately, I know this formula too well.

Friends, I am addressing this now, because right now, this very evening, I have an individual who is getting on my nerves in the way I've described. I have a nurse tonight who has strong misconceptions about people with disabilites. And her whole demeanor is offensive to me. And so, it's a good thing I've kind of given myself the title "A True Friend", because by giving myself this title, I can ask myself when facing a difficulty: what does A True Friend do? It's a very simple question to answer regarding tonight's difficulty. I must find the strength within myself to be friendly and pleasant. More challenging, I must find the goodness inside my heart to pray a sincere prayer for her. That God will bless her. That she will have an enjoyable night of work. That God may give her wisdom concerning any issues in her personal life. Most important to me when I pray for someone, that God will help her feel happier inside. And I thank the Lord for turning around our relationship. I ask Him to fill my heart with positive feelings about her. I ask Him to help me love her unconditionally, as only He can help me to do.

And so, by loving in the hard times, I prove to those who are hard for me to love, that I mean business with Jesus. If possible, it would be great if those who find it hard to love me, could also find a way to do it. I know I have a way of pushing people away. I am so afraid of getting rejected that I try to create this sense about myself that I am not in need of any love. In my mind it kind of takes care of me and you. We all need Jesus, and He must need us, or why would He have created us? Anyways, good night all.

♬  Cheri Keaggy: What Matters Most

Saturday, May 17, 2014

When all else fails, there is always someone who likes us

How many people have gotten angry with God before, or at least annoyed and frustrated? If you're honest, I bet every one of you would say you have. Now these stuffy-assed fundamentalist Christians will swear that "one must never EVER get mad a't God. God does everything perfectly". Well yes Pastor, we know that God does everything perfectluy, but why does His perfection not include what I want to see happen?

There are all kinds of reasons why people get mad at God. My mother had read much of the Bible. She felt that God was unfair. She had these questions: Why was Abel's sacrifice accepted, while Cain's was not? (Genesis 4:4-5) Why did God cause an "evil spirit from the Lord"; to fall upon Saul? (1 Samuel 16:14-15) Bottom line (as my Mom pondered) Why did God say "I will bless those who I will bless, and curse those who I will curse"? (unable to find this verse as I remember it). All of these are real parts of the Bible. And for many many years, my mom wouldn't come to Christ because of such things. But I am not bringing up any of these issues to refute them.

I bring up my mom in particular, because my mom was a woman with many, many friends. Wherever our family went throughout the years, she made friends who clung to her faithfully. Even as she got older, when the worldwide web came to be, people contacted her from all over the world. There were people who even remembered her from childhood.

What I'm trying to say is, at the point where our faith in God, or in ourselves weakens it is there that we end up appreciating the love of our friends. At the point where two or more people feel like saying "Yeah things suck! But 'Hail hail the gang's all here. What the hell do we care? What the hell do we care now?'" (old army song) For everything that comes to be, a need has to be there first. We have friends because we need friends and they need us. If we have a friend we know we can count on, are we thankful, or what? ت Friendship happens when our imperfections are overlooked by someone, and their imperfections are overlooked by us. They happen when love takes over.

  ♬ Jerry Reed: Alabama Jubilee

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Straight Talk, Cuz I Been There

OK. It comes a certain point in life sometimes, where people don't care. They're afraid. And they cannot help. They get paralyzed with fear. They do not want to step in and care. I have been a wheelchair user since 1985. In 1986, things happened, and I was left alone in my apartment. No outgoing transportation. No support from any organization. No help with my physical care. Alone. I LOST MY MIND.

After a couple of weeks like this, I stopped getting in and out of bed. I sat in my living room chain smoking and hallucinating. I was living in an apartment complex. But no one checked on me. I tried going around in my neighborhood. But I was told to leave. I tried getting into a day treatment program. But I got excuses. These final few days, a fire could have started. I might have fallen out my chair. But never a knock on the door. Nobody wanted to get involved.

So I know. I know how cold people can be. I know that if I didn't care to live, few others would care either.

But I am here. I am here. And even though I am fully aware that I am my only friend this side of Heaven, I deal with it. I respect people even though I know how spineless they can be. I am committed to people, even though I have seen what they are capable of. Therefore, I would like to see you smile.

Yolanda Adams: Just A Prayer Away

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thankful to be able to call Jesus my Friend!

NYCYPCD: Hallelujah! I Have Found Him (also called Satisfied)

All my life I had a longing
For a drink from some clear spring,
That I hoped would quench the burning
Of the thirst I felt within.

Hallelujah! I have found Him
Whom my soul so long has craved!
Jesus satisfies my longings,
Through His blood I now am saved.

Feeding on the husks around me,
Till my strength was almost gone,
Longed my soul for something better,
Only still to hunger on.

Poor I was, and sought for riches,
Something that would satisfy,
But the dust I gathered round me
Only mocked my soul’s sad cry.

Well of water, ever springing,
Bread of life so rich and free,
Untold wealth that never faileth,
My Redeemer is to me.
--words by Clara T. Williams