We have a president here in the United States: who only cares about money, and nothing BUT money. I am an individual on Social Security Disability. I receive approximately $7,000.00 per year, and that's all. And do you know that sucker sends me about 3 or 4 emails per day? I receive 3 to 4 emails PER DAY, from barackobama.com, asking me for donations? In his administration, it's been about the Almighty Dollar, and only the Almighty Dollar! And nothing else in the whole world is of any value at all.
FRIENDS, help me out here, I DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS! I do not agree with the devaluation of every other joy that has been able to enter human experience, besides money! I have a father who I love. And now, for what seems to me no reason that makes any sense, he is in serious danger of having the government control all of his finances.
Let me tell you about the Jews and Barack Obama. Barack Obama spoke words that seemed to come from an angel. "Our relationship with Israel is rock solid". "We must be sensitive to Israels' security concerns". But this, my friends, is what actually happened: Netanyahu and them said among themselves "Obama loves money. We'll slip him a little something, and we will have no worries about his policy concerning Israel". Yep. Barack understands the language of money. Accepting "gifts" is his daily fare. And in the meantime, a blind eye is turned on all the violence and abuse of the Palestinians.
I am writing you guys because I want it to end. I want an end to all this showiness and flashiness. I want the importance back on authenticity in education. I don't want to see anymore honorary degrees. I want employees to return to finding satisfaction in proving their expertise. I want kids to be excited about choosing something to bring in for show and tell; not because it's the most expensive looking, but because it is something that uniquely means something to them!
I want to stop, I a person receiving $7,000.00 per year, hey Obama, get a grip! I don't have any money for you! But I am still a person as equally deserving of art and music and travel in my life as ANYONE ELSE. Don't tell me that I'm not!!!