Sunday, November 8, 2015

Forgiveness - The measuring rod of friendship

If you're like me, every day you have some people who get annoyed with you, or hurt by something you said or did, (the way you behaved), and if you have no power over them or money to give them, they can get very bent out of shape, and decide they are not going to be nice to you anymore. This happens to me quite frequently.However, I have real friends, who I  also do and say hurtful things to sometimes, and guess what? They never stop being nice to me. Oh yes, they have their moods sometimes just like I do, but when I really need someone, they always are there to help and/or comfort. Real friends go the distance. They might get a little mad sometimes, but they never stop loving us.

Therefore, we can see those who are consistently there for us, those who understand when we are not at our best, as a measuring rod of real friendship. We can take the loyalty of our real friends, and when we measure it up against the games and falseness of others in our lives, then we understand that it's not only us who are to blame when some of our friendships don't work out.

Real friends help us understand that those who bear a grudge against us are not worth worrying about. Indeed this is brought out very clearly in many places in the Bible. I think of Psalm 15, which reads "Who shall dwell in thy tent o Lord? Who shall abide in they holy hill? He who walks uprightly, acts justly, and speaks the truth in his heart, who does not slander with his tongue, nor does evil to his neighbor, nor takes up a reproach against his friend." This wording "nor takes up a reproach against his friend", speaks of something we see so often. There are people who seem to look for something to get bent out of shape about. There are those who enjoy holding something against others.

Though we should do our best to be the best person we can be every day, there are going to be days when we fail people. But those who truly love us and want to remain our friends will overlook our flaws. Those who continue to remind us of what we did wrong, we need to understand that we just "never had them at hello".

♬    Haley Mills; Let's Get Together

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