Monday, November 9, 2015

Forgiveness and real friends - a follow-up

In a previous blog, I talked about the idea that if a good friend is truly a good friend, they will overlook it when we say a careless word, or for some reason cannot accommodate them in what they need from us. However, after sharing about that, I realized that there was something that needs to be clarified.
We know that real friends will stay faithful, and will not play games with our feelings. However, knowing that we can tell a real friend by their willingness to forgive does not mean we should trap them with the idea that IF... they are a true friend they will put up with whatever we say or do to them. Though real friends  always understand, if we genuinely appreciate them, we will do our best not to be selfish. We will show unconditional love in return, and think seriously before doing something hurtful or offensive. The feeling of wanting to stay friends in times of hardship should go both ways.
Knowing that real friends go the distance should not become a weapon by which we signal to our friends "well you are supposed to take whatever I dish out". We should always have a heart for doing the best we can to make the friendship work. To constantly exasperate someone by holding high expectations which we are not prepared to meet on our end as well, is wrong, and will not take us in the direction of sustaining quality friendships.

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