OK, I have a kind of complicated thought I want to share, and as I thought of trying to blog about this, I was afraid explaining this idea and writing about it would just leave me exhausted.
My thought has to do with the way men perceive women, which I think is incorrect and demeaning. When a woman says or does something, there are many men who see anything a woman says or does as intended to impress a man, and ultimately, to seduce a man. Men have sex on the brain when it comes to women, and if they want to be fair, both to themselves and to the women in their lives, this needs to change.
How can real friendships form between men and women when secretly, men only see women as potential sex partners, and only value them as such? Even as I write this, I am feeling that many men will see my paragraphs as written with no more than a will to impress, and what is an attempt to communicate will be seen as only an effort to be attractive in some way.
By women being "the weaker sex" (this is what the bible says), when men label women as "DESPERATE TO ATTRACT", we as women just buy it about ourselves. Men overwhelmingly presume that this is so about us, so we accept it as truth and proceed to live our lives accordingly.
Men are missing out on many good ideas women could bring to the table, only because they don't want to let women in intellectually. I want to encourage the men out there, to find the strength to put away this biased attitude I am describing. Have the strength to give up your feelings of superiority in exchange for real friendship. Stop, and take the lives and thoughts of women as seriously as you take your own.