Monday, April 21, 2014

A Friend In Deed

Well well well ...if you found your way back to this blog, congratulations! And if you're coming across this blog for the first time, congratulations as well. My posts are sometimes more frequent, sometimes less. And for the past few weeks I've been in a whirlwind, if you know what I mean. Lots of issues and feelings unsettled. But I did have the inspiration to revamp my setup on here, and I changed slightly the URL. I felt as though wonderfulstayingfriends was kind of corny, so now, Always Your Friend is at

And so, I have a topic I've been planning to write about, so why don't I dive right in? About 3 weeks ago, my phone charger busted because I was careless with it. I was trying to make my phone do things that an old, humble little phone is not set up to do, and I overdid it for three straight nights. Afterwards, my charger gave out, and my phone also, I could tell, was in jeopardy of not holding up too much longer. And so, I ordered a charger from Amazon, but when it came, it virtually didn't work as soon as I got it. So I spent days and days not being able to do any of the things I enjoy doing so much by going online with my little device. And every time I asked someone for help, I was either given an excuse, or by using the chargers various people loaned me, the condition of my phone worsened. Until, I ran into the Director of Respiratory here, and he showed compassion for me. It was so awesome! I went past his office, and so, I thought, it couldn't hurt to ask him for help. So I asked, and he checked to see if his charger would work with my phone. It did work. So I left my phone with him in his office, and after an hour or two he brought my phone back. FULLY CHARGED! I was so relieved. And so, the following day, I asked him, and once again, he said alright. When he had to leave, he said he thought he might have another one like it at home that he could give me to keep. My friends, that charger is what I'm using now. I can't tell you how relieved and how grateful I felt. And the interesting thing about all of this, is that this man fit exactly into the pattern laid out by Jesus Christ as he explained what is meant by "neighbor". It is the parable known as "The Good Samaritan".

Briefly, this is the story:
     A Jew was walking down the road, and some thieves came and beat him up and took all that he had. And left him laying on the road, wounded and bleeding. As he lay there, a Pharisee walked by, and he called out to him for help. But the Pharisee walked on the other side of the road and ignored him. A little while later, another walked down the road, and when the injured man cried out for help, he ignored him, and walked on the other side of the road. Then, a third person walked down the same road, but this man was a Samaritan, and at the time, Samaritans and Jews had no dealings with one another. Although this Samaritan had every reason to just keep walking, he had mercy on the man laying bleeding on the road. He went up to him, bound up his wounds, and even took him to the nearest Inn and arranged for him to stay there.

After Jesus told this parable he asked the crowd, "which one of these men was his neighbor to the man laying there?" They answered: the one who had mercy on him.

I want to point out why this parable comes to mind when thinking of our respiratory director. In times past, I had sort of given this man a hard time. I had said that I did not like the way he ran the respiratory department, and made some unfair accusations. It was kind of surprising that of all the people I asked for help, the one with the least reason to owe me anything, showed me compassion. And he showed it thoroughly, as the good Samaritan is described. Like the Samaritan took the man out of the road and walked him to an Inn, this man provided me with a charger I could have for myself. He didn't only handle the immediate problem, he took care of the future. And even, like it says it the parable that the Good Samaritan returned to the Inn after a couple days to make sure things were alright, and so John Jensen, that's his name, stopped in after a couple days to make sure the charger was still working.

And so, I was alone! There was no one to help! And someone went beyond what the crowd was doing, beyond what most people nowadays think is enough to do to be a good person. I really have to wonder what some people think entails being a good person. But sometimes you have to be careful because many people if they feel that something has caused them to fail at being a good person, they totally give up on it. Whatever the case, this is an example of me not giving up on finding help, and someone else that thinks of himself as here to do more than merely what is expected.

♬Voices of Praise: He Looked Beyond My Fault

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