Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Do you believe that time heals all wounds? Some people believe it, and some don't  If you stay positive, and really love your friends from the heart, over time, you will notice that they grow to love you back. After a while, even those who you feel deeply wronged you, you will cease to resent. Because when God is in control, "no weapon formed against you shall prosper". So although someone's words, or a situation may have bruised the course of your life, no one can prevent you from receiving the blessings God has for you. And once the blessings begin to come, you are sure to have a heart of only charity for those who once were in your life who could not understand the way of love.

I am finally coming to believe that it is possible to get my prayers answered. That it is possible for me to approach Jesus Christ in the silence of my heart, and ask for something that I want or need, and reverently anticipate that He will grant it. This is more than I could do for a very long time.

As I examine the contributions of my friends and those who I am following on my various social media sites, I see many people hurting due to broken relationships. They are often unable to fall out of love with someone who repeatedly plays 'hot and cold' with them. In other words, someone comes to him/her when they need him/her, and when they get what they want, BOOM! They hurt that person again and again. That's when seeking wholeheartedly to fall in love with Jesus is the only way that you will find the strength to purely sever the tie. Your goal should be to become indifferent to this person because what you see and prize so highly in him or her just isn't there. It is almost as if the person you are setting your sights on is an impostor. They mean and stand for something to you that just is not who they really are. Some folks think that Christ wants them to unconditionally love a person such as this. But be careful that the thought that Christ wants you to unconditionally love someone is not an excuse to avoid confronting a situation that you know is not good for you.

Believe me, the love of God is everything. God can make everything in your life as it should be. Be patient. Don't try to make miracles happen before their time. Relax, and know that God has a good life for you all mapped out.

  Kenny Marks: Make it Right

♬  Jonathan Butler: Falling in Love with Jesus

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